E900 Cigar is an upgraded and enhanced version of our bestselling E600 eCigar model. E900 eCigar is now better than ever, offeing ultimately thick and flavorful vapor and a Cuban Cigar flavor. Its increased capacity cartridge now allows for up to 900 puffs and its texture feels and looks like a hand-rolled cigar, making it stand out from all other electronic cigars available.
A cigar is a treat, so don’t compromise the smoking experience and make sure you feel like you’re indulging the closest to the real thing.
ePuffer electronic cigars have been endorsed by many celebrities in the USA, as they create that touch of glamour, while delivering on taste. ePuffer understands the decadence of cigars and being relentless about product development, our designers put their heart and soul in creating a vaporizer that creates that true and indulgent cigar smoking experience.
E900 Cigar uses real textured paper, rolled to give the look and feel of a real Cuban cigar. The eCigar 900 also makes a perfect gift for anyone who enjoys a cigar daily or on special occasions.
You can enjoy a Cuban cigar taste called Musketeer in the pre-filled E900 cartridges or refill E900 Blank cartridges with your own eliquid flavor. Recommended eliquid PG/VG ratio: 60/40 or 70/30.
ECIGAR 900 Starter Kit Contents
- 2 High Capacity 900mAh Rechargeable Batteries - ( Ø=14.5mm, length: 85mm )
- 3 Premium Cuban Tobacco flavor cartridges ( ~ 45 tobacco cigars )
- Intelligent USB charger with overcharge protection
- Universal AC/USB adapter 110/240V
- Instruction Manual
- Fully assembled eCigar: length - 5.5" | 14cm, weight - 45g
Each eCIGAR 900 Cartridge is equivalent of 12-14 premium Cuban cigars.