Electronic Cigars / E Cigar
Electronic Cigar - The Blissful Experience of Smoking
When you think of cigars, men and women smoking cigars, you often think about class and style. Grace and posture come to mind, and you end up thinking about people in the past who are powerful, and have held high esteem in the past. After all, it is usually the politicians, the celebrities, the artists and other prominent people who are remembered and associated with smoking pipes. Even though numbers have diminished due to the popularity of cigarette sticks, up to this day, there are still many who smoke pipes.
Now imagine getting on your porch with a fine Havana cigar. As you smoke the cigar, you can feel and taste the richness of tobacco lingering in your mouth. The smell may be strong, but it’s heavenly and full of character. It’s easy to imagine yourself in any sort of fantasy situation when you smoke a cigar. Perhaps you’re a prominent figure in society – a politician, an artist, a celebrity maybe. Regardless of whether you like to imagine yourself in such situations or not, it still can be said that smoking a cigar is an experience that can only be called enjoyable.
Despite this blissful experience, cigar smoking can be harmful to your body. Many who smoke cigars end up suffering from some form of short or long term disease, some of which can actually be fatal. Fortunately, you can still enjoy the essence of tobacco through the innovation of the E-Cigar.